CERTIFIED IN PHILANTHROPIC PSYCHOLOGY Expert Fundraising and PR for Small Nonprofits
CERTIFIED IN PHILANTHROPIC PSYCHOLOGY Expert Fundraising and PR for Small Nonprofits
-Rachelle Vartanian, Founder and President, Northville, MI
Donor retention rates are alarmingly low—fewer than 20% of new donors renew.
Kirt Manecke Holds a Certificate with Distinction in Philanthropic Psychology
Helping You Raise More Funds
Do you want to grow your individual donor base and improve your fundraising? Does the idea of asking corporations for donations make you uncomfortable? Are you too busy to engage with the media to promote your cause, or simply don't know how?
I’ll create a custom plan to dramatically improve your donor retention, fundraising and visibility!
As a former Executive Director and Director of Development, I grew membership by 10x by focusing on donor retention, strategic cultivation, and public relations. With my expertise in fundraising, sales, and public relations, I will help you raise more money faster and increase your visibility.
FREE 20-Minute Zoom Discovery Call and Consultation
Please email Kirt at kirt @ smilethebook.com (no spaces before or after @) to claim your spot and we will set up a time to talk about your challenges and discuss the best strategies for your nonprofit.
-Breanna Horsey, Director, Sustainable Iowa Land Trust
As a former executive director and director of development for a nonprofit and successful business owner and sales professional, Kirt will accelerate your fundraising.
With Kirt's targeted approach, your nonprofit will get in front of the right audiences to increase your visibility, credibility, and donations.
Let award-winning customer service book author Kirt Manecke train your staff to deliver amazing customer service, make a great first impression and raise more money.
"Kirt exemplifies what it means to be the BEST in customer service."
- Tyler Ross, author, President, Big Bold Moves, Northville, MI
"When it comes to marketing, public relations and customer service, this professional knows his stuff!"
- Colleen Kilpatrick, entrepreneur, speaker, storyteller, Milford, MI
“Wow, you did a lot. Thank you for going the extra mile!”
- Cindy Fisher, Educational Consultant, President and CEO, Smart Steps, LLC, Overland Park, KS
“I hate to think where this organization would be without Kirt. He is a magnet for money and a public relations and marketing dynamo! One of the very best natural salesmen I have ever met.”
- Steve Qua, Owner, Qua Buick, Former Chaiman, Headwaters Land Conservancy, MI
"Thanks for following up with the media folks. I have an interview with WCMU next week and Northern Express plans to include the story in their winter issue. Really appreciate your help and guidance."
- Chris Gentry, Executive Director, Cadillac Area Land Conservancy , Cadillac, MI
"I began working with Kirt as the new Executive Director of a non-profit organization in 2023 and he helped us tremendously in the first year developing and implementing strategies for our fundraising and PR efforts. In meetings, he actively listens to our needs and develops strategies that fit our budget and is tailored to our needs. Unlike other professionals, I feel that we are getting individual attention. Kirt is always there to answer questions and goes above and beyond by providing advice and recommendations for all aspects of our organizational functioning, ultimately helping us to build a strong foundation as a new organization."
- Breanna Horsey, Executive Director, Sustainable Iowa Land Trust, West Branch, IA
Kirt will help you raise funds and get the word out about your organization.
What are you waiting for?
Kirt volunteers for animal welfare orgnizations and created the website www.TellOnePerson.com to educate the public about abusive roadside zoos and the benefits of visiting accredited animal sanctuaries.